Converting a Petrol Bike to an EV sounds like a classic lego case, but it is not!
So many calculations go into designing an appropriate EV engine that can sit on an existing chassis and deliver an expected performance.
When a dead 2-wheeler rises to its second life, it saves new vehicle purchases, fuel expenses, reduces scrap & gives a boost to sustainability initiatives.
Security, Patrolling, and Surveillance teams are the most benefited folks within plant commuters.
#EV #Retrofitting #Automotive_Desing #Wire_Harnessing #IoT #L-ion_Battery #BLDC_Motor_Controller #Power_Electronics
With the advent of EVs, the possibility of VTS extends from being a basic vehicle tracker to monitoring all electronic parts onboard. Further, the connected app unlocks features like immobilizing, low charge, charge completed, charging station nearby, and battery swapping transactions. A lot more similar actions and notifications become possible! Fleet operators and renters use this to evaluate usage and bill users.
Plugging the VMC into a vehicle has made the fleet renting business replicable and scalable for EV manufacturers.
#PlugnPlay #Control #Monitor #IoT